Happy 2016!!! I am sharing one of my favorite ways to end and
begin a New Year with you. It's an exercise that gives closure to the following
year, gratitude for the present and optimism for the future. All you have to do
is write (or type) 3 lists. Start fresh, reflect and move on into the blank
page of the New Year!
Step 1: Past – List of Accomplishments
Think of everything, big or small, you have accomplished in the
past year and write it down. These should be things you feel really good about
– efforts you are proud of, successes, goals met, unexpected or planned
circumstances. List anything and everything that makes you feel good about
yourself and what you have accomplished recently.
Step 2: Present – Gratitude List
List the things that you are thankful for in the present moment
or as a whole. It could be as simple as, “I am grateful for the roof over my
head, food to eat, etc.” You may have to start with the basics to warm up but I
have found that it gets easier the more you write. Incorporating a gratitude list
into your daily routine is a wonderful practice.
Step 3: Future – List of Goals / Dreams / Wishes
Write down the things you wish to accomplish in the New Year.
Try to stay optimistic, realistic and flexible. Your list will most likely
shift and change but it is nice to have some guidance and a visual reference.
Added bonus: Create a vision board of your goals, dreams and
wishes. Find pictures, scenes or words that convey what is on your list and in
your heart, then paste them onto posterboard. You can add to your vision board
all year long.
Here's to a Happy, successful New Year full of love and
laughter! I believe in you!